Due on 07/01/11

THEME :: Get your Plank on!
From June 1, 2011 until July 1, 2011
Planking. Everyone’s doing it. And if they’re not yet, they will be soon. It’s addictive, and some even say it’s a gateway activity to other common practices, like ironing, or sitting. Now its time to Hipstaplank! Take a picture of you or friends planking with Hipstamatic, and submit it to win!
There are two ways to win.
1.) Get enough votes to be in the top 5 voted prints
2.) Get selected by our expert plankers. The top 9 selected will be posted in a gallery on Facebook and our community will decide which is their favorite Plank!
HipstaPlanking Live Stream
Copy and paste this code into your website to get a HipstaPlanking live stream: