Kyle Korver's
Fashion. Music. Hope. [Seer]
Due on 02/10/12

#1 Community Voted Print
The #1 community voted image will have their image turned into a produced SEER shirt design, win tickets to a Bulls Game, and tickets to see Barcelona live in concert!
Top 5 community Voted Prints
The top 5 community voted images will also win tickets to a Bulls game, tickets to see Barcelona live in concert, and the winning print SEER shirt! They will also be displayed and promoted in Kyle Korver’s Social Media sites! (150K+ on Facebook and Twitter Combined!
Top 3 Community Voted Prints
In addition to the Bulls tickets, Barcelona tickets, and T shirt, the top 3 community voted images will have their images used in future “Fashion.Music.Hope” Posters and other promotional materials (with credit of course given to photographers)