Seattle Design Festival

THEME :: Engage Your World
From street fronts and landscaping, to transportation and architecture, all kinds of design bring cities alive by creating spaces for people to live, work and play.
How does design inspire and improve how you live, work and play? Submit your images of design that make Seattle and cities around the world more livable and enjoyable communities.
September 20 – 23, 2012
The Seattle Design Festival is the second annual celebration in Seattle of the relevance and power of design. The 4-day “super weekend” of design will show how design adds value to our lives, our city, and our region.
Want to learn more?
• Go to seattledesignfestival.org
• Check us out on Facebook and Twitter #sdf12
This contest is brought to you by the Puget Sound SIGCHI and the Seattle Interaction Design Association. We are proud partners of the Seattle Design Festival.
Poster design by Yuri Shvets of Hornall Anderson
Seattle Design Festival Live Stream
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