Matt and Kim's
Listen and Create

THEME :: Listen and Create
With the debut of Matt and Kim’s second album Sidewalks, we are asking Hipstamanics to shoot images based on the title of one of their 10 tracks. Just title your image the same as the track you are representing - the Best image per track will be awarded a prize pack of an autographed poster, new cd and vinyl. Best of show will be selected by the band and cool prizes will obviously follow!
Matt and Kims new CD is comprised of ten songs.
1. Block After Block
2. AM/FM Sound
3. Cameras
4. Red Paint
5. Where You’re Coming From
6. Good for Great
7. Northeast
8. Wires
9. Silver Tiles
10. Ice Melts.
This could be one of the best challenges we’ve had. You have 10 opportunities to shine. Simply pick a song title as your theme and shoot. Users can submit multiple images. Remember you must label your image the Title of the track in order for it to be considered. Have fun and SHOOT!
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