Cowboys and Aliens

THEME :: The Good Guys
Tumbleweed meets laser fists. John Wayne meets ET. There’s a new sheriff in town. We collaborated with Academy Award nominated cinematographer, Matthew Libatique. (see Oscar for Black Swan) to develop the look for our Cowboys & Aliens HipstaPak. We were also fortunate enough to work with director and Hipstamatic early adopter, Jon Favreau. He’s been rocking Hipstamatic so long that he has HipstaPrints from the filming of this movie, we’ll be sure to share these. So show us your inner cowboy and break out the big guns. Using the Cowboys & Aliens HipstaPak show us who the Good Guys are.
Using the Cowboys & Aliens HipstaPak, your challenge is to capture the good vs. evil in your universe. The best of show, selected by Jon Favreau will get a grand prize of two iPads! Top 5 voted prints will receive a Cowboys & Aliens Prize Pak!
Cowboys and Aliens Live Stream
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